Author Archives: admin

7 Guidelines on First Date

A couple is drinking coffee

1. Always have an exit strategy.

2. It’s not a bad idea to let a friend know where you are going. Email them the pic of the person you’re about to meet and whatever information you have before hooking up with them. Keep your cell phone handy, even if you spend the night.

3. Always bring protection! Carry condoms with you – safety here is not negotiable. Also bring a small bottle of lube and keep it inside of a zip-locked bag so that way there aren’t any messes.

4. Try to have your own transportation. If things go bad, you could always try to get to your car and lock the door.

5. Keep your wits! Don’t drink/smoke to a point where you can no longer trust yourself.

6. LOOK before you drink: On the 1st date, TASTE your alcohol. If it doesn’t taste like wine, chances are that it’s not. (Many drugs/chemicals when crushed have a bitter taste, but are definitely discernible from alcohol.) Also LOOK at your drink before you drink it. It can take some time for a poorly crushed drug to dissolve, and most times some powder will settle to the bottom.

7. Don’t demand a deep last relationship before you’ve even met. Some of us guys are aware you have been hurt before – but please be wise. We’ve been hurt too.

What Should Be Key Element in The Dating Process?

Hand in hand

Contrary to popular beliefs, dating is not a game, it is serious business because the person you date might not be the person you would want to continue a relationship with or even marry. The fact of the matter is the person you date most likely resembles you and what you stand for (at least this is what society may think). Your date is a reflection of you and who you are and what the world may perceive you to be. If you choose a spouse beater and don’t get out at the sign of that first blow then you are setting yourself up for disaster. The first hit when in an abusive relationship often means more is to follow.

Looks may be very important to a lot of people. However, looks should not be a key element in the dating process. What should be key ingredients are love and admiration, kindness, joyful, patience and understanding but above all is love. So, look for that special someone that possess qualities that are loving, caring sharing and a profound respect for one another. The dating process is challenging, yet, we should strive to make it an enjoyable experience.